Why do we need diversity to drive innovation?

Companies that lack gender equality in their senior innovation management teams are missing out on one of the most crucial aspects of innovation: diverse perspectives!
43 Quintillion Types of Innovation

A Rubik’s cube is a good metaphor for innovation. Innovation is not often about creating something entirely new (strictly speaking that’s invention), but about finding the right combination of factors that solves a critical problem in a new way.
Critical Friend

First coined in educational circles in the 1970s, the idea of a critical friend is now seen as an important component of helping individuals and businesses innovate and improve.
No more business as usual: Why disruption is the answer to a sustainable future

If you were to ask me what the greatest challenge facing innovators today is, I’d have a very simple response – sustainability. But while it’s just one word, the concept, demands and implications are far from simple.
Robotic dogs aren’t just for Christmas

Andy Wynne from Ignite Exponential looks at the evolution of robotic pets and asks if we will grow to adopt and love them.
A Quick Intro to UX Design

Andrew Wynne from Ignite Exponential explores the worlds of UX and UI.
Our jargon-busting innovation glossary – demystifying 20 key words, phrases and acronyms

Edwina Mullins shares 20 important innovation words, phrases, and acronyms commonly used so you can feel more confident in your own innovation discussions.
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspiration from Nature

Polly Britton explains biomimicry with inspiration from nature.
Why Clarkson’s Farm Is a Great Example for All Innovators

What can one of the most ancient industries (circa 13,000 years old) in the world teach us about innovation?
4 important ways to set your innovation team up for success

I wrote recently about the need for a corporate innovation team dedicated to disruptive or transformational innovation you can read the full article here.