Consumer Tech Trends from CES 2023

I’ve just come back from CES 2023 and as usual it was a feast of lights, innovation and mayhem. For those that couldn’t make it, here are some highpoints for me that underline key tech trends for 2023:
Robotic dogs aren’t just for Christmas

Andy Wynne from Ignite Exponential looks at the evolution of robotic pets and asks if we will grow to adopt and love them.
A Quick Intro to UX Design

Andrew Wynne from Ignite Exponential explores the worlds of UX and UI.
Space Elevator: Solving the Problem with Expensive Space Travel

Getting people or satellites into orbit around the Earth is both expensive and dangerous, but could we change that?
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspiration from Nature

Polly Britton explains biomimicry with inspiration from nature.
Why Clarkson’s Farm Is a Great Example for All Innovators

What can one of the most ancient industries (circa 13,000 years old) in the world teach us about innovation?
4 important ways to set your innovation team up for success

I wrote recently about the need for a corporate innovation team dedicated to disruptive or transformational innovation you can read the full article here.
Why your innovation team is no longer innovating effectively

If you’re already investing in innovation to grow your core business, why is disruptive or transformational innovation important?
No more gimmicks – 7 insights for creating successful IoT products

American inventor Thomas A. Edison once said: “To get a great idea, come up with lots of them.”
Where is the smart innovation in the medical & healthcare sector?

As business gradually emerges from the constraints caused by the pandemic, we are seeing a significant surge of interest in the development of smart technologies, particularly for the medical and healthcare sector.